Sunday, November 16

A future impact in my tummy

The beauty about pregnancy is that I realized I have created something out of nothing.

And that "something" is going to impact someone... somewhere... sometime...

What's inside stretching my tummy?

A little cutie...

Monday, November 3

A sweet pea in a pod

All the time we wondered and wondered, who is this person coming, growing, turning, floating, swimming deep, deep inside...

Shel with her baby in the tummy

More photos for my dear friends who couldn't see me in person... :-)
I'm 6 to 8 months pregnant from left to right.

Pregnancy does WONDERS

Little Damien has been in my tummy for 8 months. Not only he practices kung fu and acrobatics in his little world, he brought a lot of changes to his mummy too...

His mummy looks fat...

And more fat... + HORRIBLE view from the top!

Probably the back view is the only consolation... I still look ok ;-)