Najib will provide venue for protest
What a brilliant idea! He should be awarded Noble prize for this. Please will it be air-conditioned? With rostum, mics & speakers? A 8x12" giant screen & a projector (oh ya, 10000NC lumens will definitely help). Can there be any sponsors of mineral water? Maybe some food catering?
No need police permit for such gathering
Oh that's so great! But it makes no sense. Who'd care if they have gotten permit to protest? Protestors won't apply in the past, nor they will do in the future. If the protest does not cause disturbance, it won't be a protest! Oh Lord... Just like any other letters, memorandums, appeals that we rakyat had submitted in the past, they had all fallen on the deaf ears. Why? Becasue they did not cause any disturbance!
Not sure if this is simplicity in thinking or just... brainless.
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