Sunday, March 21
House moving notice
I love my new house...
Thursday, August 20
I'm a search engine
- How has TV consumption changed amid the popularity of internet in Malaysia?
- Do you have anything to show on the Indian consumers?
- Media inflation, any projection figures till 2012?
And back home, I have a big messy rat asking me questions as well. This one I need a "bomoh" or if any of Doreamon's gadgets could help, it will be fantastic.
- Ling, did you see my passport? - searching high & low, finally he found it at the same spot where he thot he has taken it out.
- Ling, did you see my namecard holder? - discovered after a month or so, it was in the office instead.
- Ling, do you remember seeing the cable thing of my samsung PDA? - har? - still searching, after 1 month.
- Ling, where is my shorts? - it's hanging on your hip, honey!
Am I not a search engine?
Our brilliant politicians

Najib will provide venue for protest
What a brilliant idea! He should be awarded Noble prize for this. Please will it be air-conditioned? With rostum, mics & speakers? A 8x12" giant screen & a projector (oh ya, 10000NC lumens will definitely help). Can there be any sponsors of mineral water? Maybe some food catering?
No need police permit for such gathering
Oh that's so great! But it makes no sense. Who'd care if they have gotten permit to protest? Protestors won't apply in the past, nor they will do in the future. If the protest does not cause disturbance, it won't be a protest! Oh Lord... Just like any other letters, memorandums, appeals that we rakyat had submitted in the past, they had all fallen on the deaf ears. Why? Becasue they did not cause any disturbance!
Not sure if this is simplicity in thinking or just... brainless.
My verdict on production control
So... choose a contraceptive methods.
Apart from all the pros & cons, a simple calculation may help.
- Contraceptive implant ( - RM650 for 3 years, i.e. RM0.59 per day.
- If you opt for pills, take the average cost of RM43 for 21 days (1 mth cycle)(some good pills cost up to RM100 a month), then it'll cost you about RM1,548 for 3 years, i.e. RM1.41 per day.
- Condom. There are expensive & cheap ones. Says RM15 for 10... well, it depends on how active you & your partner are (*Wink wink*). To match the implant cost, you can only be active in every 2.5 days (hmmm, I think this is sufficient).
- Biological planning i.e. count your days. Costless. But the possible cost incurred due to the consequence of unsafe activity is RM1mil (study said that's the cost to raise a kid)! This does not even taken into account the childbirth, medical, college fees, as well as opportunity costs. Go risk your whole life of physical, mental & financial freedom.
However, contraceptive implant is not that great afterall. The side effect of irregular & prolong period is irritating. But just that.
My verdict?
Anything. But do ask the men to contribute something-lah ($$). Yeah.
Friday, May 22
I wish my life finishes off as an orgasm too!

And he forgot to mention that our stress reduces as each day passes by.
The wrinkles fade, pores get smaller, skin gets softer, smoother & more delicate by the day.
Oops... for the women, our boobs get shrunk & eventually gone totally flat!
Our salary reduces annually as we are demoted each year.
Our imported sedan gradually downgraded to a Kancil, a bike, a bicycle, a kid bicycle, and a baby walker...
Our favourite buffet lunch, 5-course dinner, red wine, steak, laksa, sambal petai will slowly turned into boring cereal & steamed carrot. Near to the very end, milk & milk & milk all the way!
No way.
Thursday, May 21
转载于作者-我大嫂的Facebook。 作者是光华日报雪隆办事处助理新闻主任。

激情过后,又回到第一次一个人孤零零在酒店接近总统套房的房间内孤独上网和老公孩子进行web call,还要第一次跟老公讲:很想念你叻!
Thursday, December 11
Thursday, December 4
5 Things You Don't Learn From Pregnancy Books
Contractions - it does not always happen like how the books or even experienced mothers have described it - that contractions are intermittent. Mine started like a pinch at the belly button and I didn't sense that as contractions. Not even when I was woken at 3.30am by the continuous, acute pain at the tummy.
I parked myself in the toilet and scared myself a bit as imageries of people labour in the toilet flashed to mind... refrained from "pushing" too hard as I scared my son may smash into the toilet bowl.
Reaching at the hospital, nurses and midwives asked if I were having contractions as if I know exactly how contractions are like... "I don't know-lah nurse!" . Contraction monitor showed it actually happened by minute - wow, that's the frequency of official labour. But my cervix hadn't dilate, so I had some time to decide if I want to go for C-section or wait for the nature's call.
Caesarean hurts - all the old mummies will tell you that it hurts - you couldn't get down the bed, it is painful when you cough or laugh, the wound heals very slow. But there are at least 3 mothers (including me) to testify that the wound doesn't hurt, AT ALL. Maybe our gyneas are very skillful, the wound was stitched up so perfectly nice that it doesn't hurt at all, from day one till it heals. I should have bet on this and earn some money for milk powder :-)
Delivery thru C-section - all this while I thot baby will be pulled and scooped out from the tummy thru the incision. That's what I learn from YouTube. Apparently, the gynea will press hard on your stomach and ooze the baby out thru the incision. And that was extremely painful on the stomach!! - I guess because epidural numbs your bottom half but not the upper half! Or maybe mine is a special case - anyway, it is not peculiar that people do SCREAM during C-section. I did :p
Brief your husband properly! - I really regret I didn't brief my husband properly on what to do in the operating theater. He should have snapped some precious photos while the baby is lifted from my tummy or while he is naked and layered with traces of blood. He did nothing except turning his head away! He said he was scared!
Engorged breasts - for those who are blessed with abundant of breast milk, unfortunately, it doesn't happen once and go away. As long as you continue to breastfeed, your breasts will engorge as they fill itself with milk. They swell like hell! They don't feel like yours, they are just 2 hard rocks sticking on your chest and they hurt like hell! The stinging pain endures and you couldn't even sleep. They also look so fake that as if you have had a boob job! :-(